Hank Tseng

Founder, GrX

Han-Hsien (Hank) Tseng is a famous young Taiwanese film and TV producer. With extensive experience in film and television production, he excels in developing comprehensive project strategies, from early-stage development to post-production marketing. His keen market insight, combined with a deep concern for social issues, has repeatedly resulted in the production of outstanding works that balance market value, emotional depth, and societal relevance.

Hank has produced the feature film series “The Tag-Along” 1 & 2, which secured the top spot in Taiwan’s annual box office for domestic films. He also produced the television drama series “Wake up” 1 & 2, which spearheaded the trend of professional dramas and achieved record-breaking sales in licensing. The series, “The Victims’ Game”, seasons 1&2 dominated Netflix rankings in Taiwan within 48 hours of release, becoming Netflix’s first Mandarin-language series to be renewed for an exclusive sequel. Additionally, the series “The Copycat Killer” made waves globally, entering Netflix’s TOP 10 in 20 regions and winning four major awards at the 58th Golden Bell Awards.

Moving forward, Tseng remains committed to producing high-quality and impactful works, bringing new possibilities to the Chinese-speaking film and television industry.”

瀚草文創 創辦人

台灣最具知名度與製作實力的中生代製片。擁有多年的電影、電視製片經驗,擅長前期開發至後期行銷等整體項目策略,結合其對市場的敏銳度及對社會現況的關懷,履次製作兼具市場價值、情感細膩、呼應社會現象之優秀作品。製作過電影長片系列《紅衣小女孩》第一集、第二集,贏得國片年度票房冠軍;電視劇系列《麻醉風暴》第一季、第二季,引領職人劇風潮,版權銷售成績創新高;影集《誰是被害者》第一季、第二季上線後48小時內攻佔Netflix排行榜第一,更為 Netflix 首部續訂獨家華語劇集;影集《模仿犯》更在上線後,席捲全球20個地區NNetflix TOP 10 榜單,更榮獲第58屆金鐘獎4項大獎。未來持續製作優質且具影響力的作品,為華人影視圈帶來新的可能。

2013年 《阿嬤的夢中情人》首創台灣與大陸同步上映,榮獲國內外影展多項大獎。

2015年 《麻醉風暴》引領「職人劇」風潮,獲多項金鐘獎同年電影作品。

      《234說愛你》 《紅衣小女孩》在口碑及票房都有亮眼成績。

2017年 《紅衣小女孩2》為當年唯一票房破億國片。




2023年《模仿犯》刷新台劇紀錄,登榜20個地區 Netflix Top 10 榜單
