Real time with AI, Video Production Case Studies – IP + : AI-generated Webtoons for Video IP

In less than a week, a two-hour movie can be adapted into a 25-episode webtoon of 60 to 70 frames each. Before AI, the process was possible… in about eight months. With a few days more, AI can regenerate the same content in a second animation style. Or a third, for a different market. So, in two weeks, you have a webtoon adapted for at least two markets ready to go. That’s a 94% time saving. If you don’t want to adapt the style, and only want a translation into, say, 10 languages, it will just take a couple of days, plus manual proof-reading to check for names, special terms, etc. Here’s how this is being done… the pros, cons and learnings of training AI to turn library films into new stories.